Enhancing the anti-trafficking identification, prevention and support mechanisms

27.09.2022 | 10.00 – 18:00
Martins Central Park (Martin’s Brussels EU) | Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (Topaz Hall)

27.09.2022 | 10.00 – 18:00
Martins Central Park (Martin’s Brussels EU) | Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (Topaz Hall)
KMOP invites you to the event “Enhancing the anti-trafficking identification, prevention and support mechanisms”, that will be held in Brussels on September 27, 2022, 10.00 – 18.00
It is our pleasure to invite you to our conference. Attendance is free of charge. You may register here:
Advisor on Anti-Trafficking Issues - OSCE/ODIHR
Tatiana Kotlyarenko is the Advisor on Anti-Trafficking Issues at OSCE/ODIHR since 2016. She worked on the 2nd edition of the National Referral Mechanisms – Joining Efforts to Protect the Rights of Trafficked Persons: A Practical Handbook, and Addressing Emerging Human Trafficking Trends and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as providing technical support and capacity building to combat trafficking in human beings to OSCE participating states. In response to the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine, which especially impacts women and children, Tatiana is conducting rapid assessment missions and providing recommendations to countries on how to prevent and address trafficking of Ukrainian women and children. She also provided testimony at a US Congressional hearing on Protecting Ukrainian Refugees from Trafficking She was the founder and Executive Director of the Enslavement Prevention Alliance – West Africa in Ghana. In its first three months of its existence, EPAWA was responsible for a national anti-human trafficking Red Card campaign in partnership with ILO during Cup of African Nations 2008, and rescue of 60 girls from a child brothel. As the Executive Director of EPAWA, she has built dynamic relationships with international and local media, and development partners to raise awareness, generate visibility, and ensure assistance to vulnerable populations. Tatiana holds a MA in Human Rights and Economic Development with Honors from Columbia University and a BA from Brandeis University. Her MA thesis focused on “Supply and Demand Dynamics of Sex Trafficking in Russia.” Tatiana has taken part in a CNN documentary titled “Innocence for Sale” in Cambodia, released in 2010. In her personal capacity, she assisted with responses to humanitarian crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine, by organizing and supporting evacuations, as well as other activities specifically aimed at protection of women and children. Tatiana is also a member of 100 Women of Davos and BMW Responsible Leaders Network.
Director of the ‘Restorative Justice & Mediation Lab
Professor Dr. Vasiliki Artinopoulou is full Professor in Criminology in the Sociology Department of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Athens, Greece), Head of the Department (2016- ) and the former Vice Rector of the University (2009-2011). She is also the Director of the ‘Restorative Justice and Mediation Lab’ at Panteion University of Athens. Prof. Artinopoulou is actively participating in many national, European and International organizations, working groups, and research projects.
She is the Head of the Crime and Criminal Justice Unit and the Gender Issues Unit in the European Public Law Organisation (EPLO, EU) (since 2012); Member of Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group of Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, LJD, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2012-13); External expert of the Research Executive Agency (REA), the DG Justice and DG Home Affairs of the European Commission. She is also the Scientific Head in many european projects on Victims of Crime, Fundamental Rights, Gender-Based Violence, Bullying / Cyberbullying, Children Rights, Anti-trafficking, and Restorative Justice. She is the Head of the Scientific Committee for Bullying Prevention in the Greek Ministry of Education, since 2013 and expert advisor in the European Antibullying Network. President of Board at the ‘Central Scientific Prison Board’ Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (2009-2011); Member of many Legislative Committees in the Greek Ministry of Justice. President of Board at Research Center for Gender Issues (KETHI), 2001-2004; National Representative of Greece at the Council of Europe and other international bodies. Professor Artinopoulou has carried out research on human rights and violence (women’s and children abuse), rule of law and aspects of injustice, bullying and cyberbullying, victimology, gender equality and sexual harassment at workplaces, juvenile delinquency, restorative justice, social mediation, and trafficking.
Prof. Artinopoulou is the author of nine books, and almost 70 publications in peer review journals and collective volumes in English, French and Greek language
Director - A21
Marina Ntonopoulou was born, grew up, and now lives in Thessaloniki, Greece. She has a valuable experience in the Anti-trafficking field since she has worked in A21 for ten years in different roles. A21 is a global Non-Profit Organization with the Mission to Abolish Slavery Everywhere, Forever.
Marina studied Education and has a master’s degree in Leadership and Management in Lifelong Learning Facilities. Her career started as a volunteer call specialist in A21’s Hotline. After a year, she stepped into the role of a Shelter Manager and worked with survivors of Human Trafficking for five years. Working with the survivors was a life-changing experience in how she perceives the world. Since 2017, Marina considers she has the most incredible honor of managing the Greek office of A21 and leading 23 employees.
Marina’s biggest goal is to empower people and create an environment for them so they can flourish and have a meaningful impact on others. She is also a grateful wife and a mother of two young daughters.
1st Vice President, GRETA TBC
Ms Antoaneta Vassileva is the senior expert in Animus Association/La Strada Bulgaria and Programme Coordinator at the Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre and was elected as GRETA’s First Vice-President in March 2021. She has over 18 years of experience in the areas of human rights and combating trafficking in human beings, including international development and implementation of policies in prevention, prosecution of human trafficking, victim identification, and direct assistance and protection of victims, in compliance with international standards, including the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and Directive 2011/36/EU. She is currently a PhD Candidate in Political Science, and she holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from the New Bulgarian University and a Diploma on Human Rights of Women from Lund University. Ms Vassileva has worked for nine years as Secretary General of the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings under the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria. She is an experienced trainer and consultant and has expertise in direct work with vulnerable groups (such as children and Roma people) and support to victims of trafficking. Her publications cover topics such as trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, social aspects of trafficking in human beings and victims’ support, transnational and national mechanisms for referral of victims, and the Bulgarian experience in combating human trafficking.
Head of THB Department - Federal Juridical Police of Belgium
Ηe is first Chief Commissioner of Police/ Unit leader of the 2nd Investigation Department of the Federal Judicial Police of Brussels
He started his career as an officer of the Belgian Gendarmerie in 1989. During his instruction
period, he also obtained a Master in Criminology. In 2001 and due to the reform of the Belgian police, he became a member of the Federal Police but his job within the 2nd Investigation Department of the Federal Judicial Police of Brussels remained the same as
The department is combatting criminal phenomena as: human trafficking, human smuggling,
and counterfeit documents. Its core business is conducting investigations against the perpetrators/criminal organizations responsible for the exploitation. Since 1995, he is also
member of the Belgian Disaster Victim Identification Unit. In the past, he had the occasion to be engaged in different foreign missions.
Dr Sabine Bauer-Amin works in the field of Anti-Trafficking and modern slavery at the International Rescue Committee Germany. She manages the EU project TIATAS, as well as the national Anti-Trafficking Ukraine response project at IRC Germany. She holds a PhD in social and cultural anthropology from the University of Vienna under affiliation at the American University in Cairo. In addition, she is an affiliate postdoc researcher on forced migration and refugee studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, founding member and member of the ethics committee at the Refugee Outreach and Research Network ROR-n and part of the research group on vulnerability at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg, Germany. Before joining the IRC, Sabine has led several participative research projects with refugees from the Middle East, activists, and torture survivors. She has been part of the independent expert round on integration and participation and jury member of the MigAwards in Austria. She was also part of the Expert Platform Future Operations providing research and policy recommendations on vulnerable groups during the COVID pandemic in Austria to Austrian decision makers.
IOM Regional Office, BRUSSELS
Tommy Calmels, Programme and Policy Assistant, IOM Regional Office for the EEA, the EU and NATO in Brussels: has Master’s Degrees in European policies, and political science from Sciences Po Rennes, as well as a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Rennes I. For two years he has been working at IOM Regional Office in Brussels, where he provides policy guidance and programme support on assistance to vulnerable migrants, including, migrant children, victims of trafficking and survivors of gender-based violence. He also contributes to capacity building of IOM country offices in the EEA+, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders by providing technical support in the field of counter-trafficking. Before joining IOM Brussels, Tommy worked for IOM in France, where he coordinated the implementation of resettlement projects and supported projects dedicated to vulnerable migrants. He also worked within the French office of the European Migration Network on issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe.
Senior Programme Officer – HEUNI,
Anniina Jokinen works as a Senior Programme Officer at the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) in Helsinki, Finland. Ms
Jokinen has over 15 years of experience on working on international criminal policy issues with
focus on human trafficking and labour exploitation. She is experienced in conducting research and
capacity building activities, as well as developing reports, guidelines and training materials for
states, policy makers, businesses, municipalities, NGOs and other stakeholders.
Ms Jokinen has previously worked as an Adviser for the Task Force on Trafficking in Human
Beings at the Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Stockholm as well as eight years
as a researcher at HEUNI. She has written several trafficking related reports and articles in English
and in Finnish with focus on trafficking for forced labour, business model of labour exploitation,
sexual exploitation and links between forced, abusive and exploitative marriages and human
Victim Support Europe
Solène Baudouin is Policy Assistant at Victim Support Europe (VSE), the leading European umbrella organisation working for the rights of victims of all crimes. She has a background in International and European law.
Since two years, Solène supports VSE’s policy work through research and knowledge development on topics related to victims’ rights and criminal justice, including for victims of trafficking. Solène also works on projects coordination and implementation, which led her to support the development of research on and tools for assessing the needs of trafficked victims.
Ruta is an experienced Project Manager, Researcher, Trainer and Project Proposal developer with 10 years of experience. She has worked for different Non-Governmental Organisations across Europe and beyond. Since January 2016 she has been working at CESIE (Italy) being responsible for the project design and overall management of several projects in the fields of prevention of gender-based violence (SAFER, REC; BASE, REC) and support to victims and survivors (TRUST, CERV), protection, recovery and integration of women and girls victims of trafficking (HEAL & WINGS, AMIF), and child protection and educational support (INTEGRA, REC; MiCREATE, Horizon2020). Her field of expertise covers: recovery and integration of women victims of trafficking; prevention of gender-based violence; strengthening collaboration networks; non-formal education; human rights; gender equality; entrepreneurship and community building programmes.
Animus Association Foundation, Anti-trafficking program coordinator
Ms. Nadia Kozhouharova is a certified clinical psychologist who works mainly with survivors of violence and people suffering from psychological trauma. She has been working with Animus Association Foundation for more than 25 years now. Ever since Animus joined La Strada, Nadia has been the national coordinator for Bulgaria of La Strada. She is member of the permanent working group at the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. Besides her work in the anti-trafficking field, Nadia has extensive clinical practice and is currently undertaking psychoanalytical training.
KMOP - ACTIVATE’s Coordinator
Chryssa Sotiriou holds a Bachelor’s degree in International and European Economic Studies from the Athens University of Economics & Business and a Master’s degree in Conflict, Governance & Development from the University of York. She has a multi-year experience in the humanitarian sector both in management & field positions, specializing in the multidisciplinary context of migration. In KMOP, she works in the Human & Fundamental Rights Unit as a Project Manager focusing on projects related to trafficking, gender-based violence, migration and social inclusion.
Differenza Donna
Hasmik Manukyan was born, grew up in Armenia and since 2014 has been living in Cologne,
In February 2022 she joined SOLWODI in Bonn, where she works in the department of projects and
as a project manager is responsible for the SOLWODI EU Projects, supporting women victims of
trafficking in human beings and gender-based violence.
In 2013 she obtained her Master in Advanced European and International Studies at the European
Institute/CIFE in Berlin, the master programme was mainly focused on the European Union, its
formation and structure.
She has many years’ experience of working in women rights organisations in Armenia and in
Coming from a liberal home where she learned to appreciate the freedoms of life, she has always
been interested in breaking down the prejudices in society, as well as patriarchal structures, and to
raise awareness about them in the society. For this reason, she has volunteered for years in various
NGOs, among them for the Women Resource Center of Armenia (WRCA), the LGBTIQ community
Utopiana and other women's groups and organizations, by translating during art performances,
events and publishing her translations of feminist literature in the feminist journal of WRCA.
Her first work experience in Germany was at the women's rights organization medica mondiale e. V.
where she has been working in the administrative and financial department (from May 2018 – until
the end of January 2022). At the same time, she worked for one year as a women's counselling
specialist and project manager at another women's organization Holla e.V. in Cologne, where she
worked with women and girls of color. There she was leading the anti-discrimination and anti-racism
project ''Being Visible'', in the framework of which different artistic activities and workshops as part
of the counselling had been offered (empowerment workshops, art therapy/painting, body
awareness /yoga, dancing, etc.).
Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Justice Project
Rawan Shrum has a professional history in management and administration, and has been co-leading The Justice Project in the United States and Germany since 2010. The Justice Project runs a Safe House and 2 counselling centres primarily assisting migrant survivors of Human Trafficking and survivors of sexual exploitation and poverty driven prostitution in Germany.
Head of advocacy, Forum réfugiés
Lawyer specialized in immigration and asylum law, Laurent Delbos has worked for several French NGOs for 15 years. During this professional career he set up operational projects, coordinated transnational project, participated in national and European bodies and carried out advocacy actions on these issues
Project Manager, Payoke
Conference Agenda
10.00 – 18.00
10.00 – 10.10 | Welcome and introduction to ACTIVATE
Chryssa Sotiriou, KMOP – ACTIVATE’s Coordinator
10.10 – 10.30 | Welcoming speech
Giannis Chatziris – Deputy Managing Director – KMOP
Yiannis Pappas – Head of Programmes – KMOP
10.30 – 10.50 | Trafficking: an internationally recognized crime
MS. Marina Donopoulou, Director – A21, Greece
10.50 – 11.10 | Supporting counter-trafficking targeted responses: victim-centric identification and Counter Trafficking Comparative Data (CTDC)
Tommy Calmels, Regional Programme & Policy Assistant – IOM Regional Office, Brussels
11.10 – 11.30 | Criminal Justice Responses to the victims of trafficking: Towards a victim-centred approach
Prof. Dr. Vasiliki Artinopoulou, Director of the ‘Restorative Justice & Mediation Lab’, former Vice-Rector – Panteion University, Athens, Greece,
11.30 – 11.50 | Coffee Break
11.50 – 12.50 | Showcasing EU projects on trafficking”
Dr. Sabine Bauer-Amin, Project TIATAS – IRC, Germany
Ruta Grigaliunaite, SOCIAL HUT & WINGS project – CESIE, Italy
Anniina Jokinen, ELECT THB Project – HEUNI, Finland
Rawan Shrum, SISA project – The Justice Project e.V., Germany
Laurent Delbos, Projects TRACKS & TRIPS – Forum Refugies, France
Robbert Leysen, AMELIE project – PAYOKE, Belgium
12.50 – 13.50 | Lunch Break
13.50 – 14.35 | Panel Discussion – Bridging theory to solutions: Project Activate
Chryssa Sotiriou, Project Manager – KMOP
Giulia Fioravanti, Project Manager – Differenza Donna, Italy
Nadia Kozhouharova, Project Manager – ANIMUS, Bulgaria
Hasmik Manukyan, Project Manager – SOLWODI, Germany
14.35 – 15.00 | National Referral Mechanisms: Importance and role in emergency situations, case of Ukraine
Tatyana Kotlyarenko, Advisor on Anti-Trafficking Issues – Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR)
15.00 – 15.20 | Coffee Break
15.20 – 16.20 | Panel Discussion – Best practices against trafficking in human beings
Anniina Jokinen, Senior Programme Officer – HEUNI, the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations, Finland
Patrick Bourgeois, Head of THB Department – Federal Juridical Police of Belgium
Solène Baudouin, Policy Assistant –Victim Support Europe, Belgium
16.20 – 16.40 | Combatting trafficking in Human Beings – Policies & Solutions
Antoanetta Vassilieva, 1st Vice President, Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)
16.40 – 17.00 | Conclusion & Remarks
17.00 – 18.00 | Networking Hour
On 23 June 2022, we attended the online transnational exchange workshop “Amelie” where we discussed the different responses to trafficking by professionals in Italy, Belgium, Greece and Germany, focusing on the health care/ medical sector. To learn more about “Amelie” and our upcoming training material for healthcare professionals contact us at:
In 2021, we empowered 20 women, prior victims of trafficking, through 6 psychological support sessions aimed at facilitating their successful integration in the labor market. Find out more
We intend to contribute to the enhanced integration of third-country national women VoT through a multi-layered action that includes linguistic and psychological support, labor market counseling, and integration into the local labor market through individual internship
offers. Find out more
We aim to enhance the prevention and identification mechanisms through capacity building of the Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs) and increased multi-agency collaboration. Find out more
March 2022-February 2024
DD and Università della Tuscia (Italy)
The FuTuRE project aims at prevent and combat gender based violence, with a specific focus on women victims of Intimate Partners Violence and multiple discriminations, through the updating of risk assessment tools, methodologies and procedures, as well as the enhancement of multi-agency cooperation.
December 2020-November 2022
APG23 and DD (Italy), FSA (Spain)
The MIRIAM project aims at improving the emergence, protection, and specialized support services for migrant women victims of gender-based violence, with a strong focus on victims of sexual exploitation, domestic violence, and forced marriage.
(October 1, 2019 – November 30, 2021), Co-funded by the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” Programme of the European Commission, in partnership with Social Activities and Practice Institute.
The main objective is to improve the response of child protection bodies in Bulgaria in cases of domestic violence where children are involved as victims or witnesses.
1 November 2021 – 31 October 2023 Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Commission.
WeToo is a European project that aims to enable frontline workers and key stakeholders to better cope with the stress generated by working with SGBV cases and to support women survivors and victims of SGBV on their trauma recovery in Greece, Italy, Serbia, Germany and Bulgaria. Project partners are Oxfam Italia Intercultura, Alice Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, Animus Association Foundation, NGO Atina -Citizens Association for Combat against Traffincking in Human Beings and All Forms of
Gender-based Violence, Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou, Integra Filder e.v. Find out more
(October 14, 2019 – October 14, 2021), Co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Programme of European Commission.
The “Trafficked Women INtegration” (WIN) is an international project promoted by Animus Association Foundation together with FPMCI (Italy), AMIGA (Spain), ENERGHEIA (Italy) and LULE (Italy).
The general objective of the project is to improve the socio-economic integration of third country national women victims of trafficking in human beings (THB) for sexual exploitation in the host societies in the view of finding durable solutions and prevent re-trafficking. The countries directly involved in the action and which directly benefit of the outcomes are Bulgaria, Spain and Italy, but WIN has a high European relevance too, since the gained experience and knowledge will be shared at local/regional/national and EU level.
The SARAH project builds on our project results from the CCM-GBV project (2017-2019). The aim of the project is to inform refugee and migrant women victims of gender-based violence about their victims’ rights and to facilitate their access to support services. Find out more
From 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2022 SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is project partner in the EU project SISA – Strengthening the Identification and Integration of Survivors of Sex Trafficking from West Africa through a Peer-to-Peer-Approach and through Transnational Deportation Counselling and Assistance.
Our clients, many of whom were victims of trafficking in Italy before coming to Germany, are often returned from Germany to Italy due to the Dublin Regulation. Find out more
From 01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022 SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is project partner in the EU project COALESCE – Legal, Psychosocial and Economic Empowerment for the Integration of Female Third Country Nationals that are Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation.
In this project, the gender-specific integration model GESIM with gender-sensitive support approaches for victims of trafficking has been created. Within GESIM, our SOLWODI clients have received individual gender-specific support in the form of legal and psychosocial counselling as well as training in economic empowerment. Find out more